Wiappipatterns.com is a WIAPPIPATTERNS LTD company registered in the United Kingdom.

By purchasing digital goods like Lightroom Presets, Photoshop Actions, and Camera RAW Plugins from Wiappi Patterns you are bound by the Conditions of Sale the General Terms and we recommend you read our Privacy Policy which explains how we use your information.


In this Agreement the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:-

“WIAPPIPATTERNS LTD ” means Wiappi Patterns, Registered in the United Kingdom.

“Store” means any web-based service operated by “Wiappi Patterns ” for the purposes of marketing and retailing digital goods.

“Customer” means you the person purchasing “Digital Goods” from “Wiappi Patterns”

“Author” means the person that has the Intellectual Property rights or rights to sell the “Digital Goods” via the “Store or Shop”

Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words denoting any gender shall include all genders.

The headings of the paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

Conditions Of Sale:


These Conditions of Sale govern the sale of “Digital Goods” by “Wiappi Patterns” to the “Customer”.

1. The Contract:

When you purchase “Digital Goods” from “Wiappi Patterns” via any of our “Store” you are accepting these terms and conditions of sale. The contract for the purchase of any “Digital Goods” will be between the “Customer” and “Wiappi Patterns” and will only be formed when “Wiappi Patterns” make the “Digital Goods” available for download and we have received payment in full for the “Digital Goods”. Until we make the “Digital Goods” available for download and receive payment in full there is no contract between the “Customer” and us for the “Digital Goods”. “Wiappi Patterns” reserves the right, at our sole discretion to reject any order we receive. By placing an order with “Wiappi Patterns” you agree you are:-

  • legally capable of entering into binding contracts
  • at least 18 years old or are aged 16-18 and have read these terms of sale together with your parent and/or guardian who has explained these conditions of sale to you so that you fully understand them

2. Cancellation and Refunds:

Due to the digital nature of our products, we do not provide refunds or exchanges once they have been purchased, which is the industry standard.

3. Price and Payment

The price of any “Digital Goods” will be as quoted on the “Store” at the then current time, except in the case of obvious error. This price will include legally applicable VAT. The “Customer” agrees they may have to provide their country of residence during the order process for the purposes of calculating the correct amount of VAT to apply to the order. We will not accept any offers for “Digital Goods” other than at the then current price. Payment for all “Digital Goods” is processed securely by various third party payment gateway services and will be handled in the currency advertised on the “Store”.

4. Delivery:

“Digital Goods” are delivered to the “Customer” by a choice of methods:-

  • via download to the “Customer‘s” personal desktop computer
  • via transfer to the “Customer‘s” Dropbox account

You hereby agree to download “Digital Goods” for private use only and that you will not copy, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, sub-license or transfer the “Digital Goods” to anyone else. Nothing in these conditions of sale grants the “Customer” any rights other than those expressly set out herein. Any breaches of these terms will be pursued to the full extent of the law. Some “Digital Goods” sold by “Wiappi Patterns” may contain additional licensing terms or terms of use within the download which the “Customer” hereby agrees to abide by.

5. Customer Requirements:

In order for the “Customer” to access the “Digital Goods” the “Customer” is required to have:-

  • an internet connection
  • a personal desktop computer or mobile device capable of opening the “Digital Goods”

6. Email Communications:

In the process of purchasing “Digital Goods” from “Wiappi Patterns” the “Customer” email address will be subscribed to the “Wiappi Patterns” general email list. “Wiappi Patterns” also passes on the “Customer” email address to its “Author”‘s own email lists if they have asked “Wiappi Patterns” to do this on their behalf. Both subscriptions are opt-in meaning the “Customer” will receive an opt-in email after the sale asking then to opt-in to receive future promotional emails. “Wiappi Patterns” also use the “Customer” email address to issue a one time ‘Order Receipt’ email to upon receipt of a successful order.

General Terms:

Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, lock outs, accidents, war, fire, the act or omission of government, highway authorities or any telecommunications carrier, operator or administration or other competent authority, the act or omission of any Internet Service Provider, or the delay or failure in manufacture, production, or supply by third parties of equipment or services, and the party shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of its obligations after notifying the other party of the nature and extent of such events.


If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any Court of competent jurisdiction such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if this Agreement had been agreed with the invalid illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter and supersedes any previous agreements, arrangements, undertakings or proposals, oral or written. This Agreement may be updated without notice.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of United Kingdom and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United Kingdom courts.

Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at
Phone: +44 7462540392
7 Coronation Road, Dephna House #105, London, United Kingdom, NW10 7PQ
Registered in UNITED KINGDOM, Number 15075465.
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